Pink Dot 2019

Pink Dot 2019

Pink Dot 2019


Hong Lim ParkSingapur

2009’da başladı, Pembe Nokta is an annual, non-profit gay event in Singapore where participants gather to form a giant pink dot to show support for the LGBT community and to celebrate our diversity and the freedom to love.

This year, Pink Dot is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 29th, at Hong Lim Park, starting from 3pm. Visit Pink Dot's Facebook page for the latest updates.

ONLY Singaporeans and Permanent Residents are permitted to attend Pink Dot.

This was due to recent changes Singapore's Public Order rules on general assembly. More information can be found okuyun. If you're not a Singaporean citizen or Permanent Resident, please do not attempt to participate, as both you and the organisers would be breaking the Public Order rules.
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oran Pink Dot 2019

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Yorumlar / İncelemeler, şu kişinin öznel görüşüdür: Travel Gay kullanıcılar, değil Travel Gay.